Materials in Motion: Super Elastic Plastic

7 February 2011 6,956 views 2 Comments


I ordered a sample of super elastic plastic from Inventables, and when it came in I decided that it would be a lot easier to physically demonstrate how stretchy it is, rather than merely describing the elastic qualities of the material. Also the plastic came a lovely shade of pink (which may or may not have influenced my decision to order it in the first place) and I thought you might like to see the pinkness of it. All this is to say that I just made my first Materials in Motion video post, and I hope you will find it entertaining and educational.

A short film about stretchy pink plastic by ARCHITERIALS.com


I filed super elastic plastic under Metal and Wood, because the characteristics of plasticity flexibility, ductility, etc, are often attributed to these elements.

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  • Tom Green said:

    Would you happen to know if the super elastic plastic can be ordered in sheets, and if so, would you know how thin the plastic could be; for example, could it be as thin as 1 mm?

    Do you know if there’s a distributor or manufacturer of this material in the United States and if so, who? If not the USA, then where?

    Lastly, might you know of any type of flexible film that exhibits the same type of the elastic properties as the super elastic plastic?

  • Alli Dryer (author) said:


    According to Inventables:

    This compound is supplied in round, free flowing pellets and are processed on standard thermoplastic processing techniques such as injection molding and extrusion. Pricing in commercial volumes would be determined by the volume, current market price, etc.

    Email help@inventables.com and they can get you in touch with a manufacturer.

    Hope that helps! I’m not aware of a thin plastic film with similar properties…

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