Articles tagged with: honeybee

You don’t dance on a bee hive and sprint headlong into the house chased by a swarm of angry bees without developing a healthy respect for the sanctity of apidae habitat. I didn’t mean to dance on the hive; I was only four years old and I had no idea it was even there until eighteen million bees erupted out of what I had thought was an innocuous stone-ringed mound of dirt. The fact that such a small earthen bump could house that many insects is a testament to the …

Until today I never in my wildest dreams imagined that bees could produce any kind of silk. I thought worms were in charge of silk production and that was the end of it. It pains me to admit this (you have no idea how it pains me) but I was wrong. Not only are silk worms falling down on the job, as it turns out spiders aren’t any better! Apparently it’s down to good old Apis mellifera (also known as the western honey bee) to make the silk that takes care of business. …