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Do you know something about materials that I don’t?  WUNDERBAR!  That’s the reason ARCHITERIALS.com got started in the first place.  I’m looking for the most innovative, useful, sustainable, awesome, gorgeous, clever, tech-y materials in the universe to feature on this site.  If you’re working on or with something or if you’ve found out about a material and you want to submit it to the site for consideration, then you’re in the right place.

If you want to send me a physical sample of your material for use in a “Materials in Motion” video post, please notify me by email and I will send you an address where you can mail the sample.

Please note that if you submit something then it’s extremely possible but not guaranteed that I will publish it on the site (so if you decide to submit something you should be okay with that).  Also note that your submissions might not be featured right away because I have a lot of delicious materials to sort through and it takes a while.  I habitually credit other people’s images and cite my sources, but if you need some extra special citation then let me know!

Submission Guidelines

email: submissions [at] architerials [dot] com

Include the following:

Product Name

Product Description

Where is it Manufactured?

Applications (how can it be used?)

Restrictions or Limitations (when is it a bad idea to use it)

Any Green/Environmental Benefits

Submit 3-4 images no larger than 600 px wide at 96 dpi

Feel free to include other information that I haven’t thought of that might be useful and try not to tell lies.  I’m looking forward to checking out your submissions!



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